Mr.Humorous 🥘

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'❗️ 💪

What is Functional Programming?

Understanding Functional Programming

1. Overview Functional Programming is the process of building software by composing pure functions, avoiding shared state, mutable data, and side-effects. Functional programming is declarative rath...

How Java Compilation Works

Understanding Compilation

1. Overview In Java, programs are not compiled into executable files; they are compiled into bytecode (as discussed earlier), which the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) then executes at runtime. Java sou...

Lombok Trick Explained

Understanding Lombok

Java Compilation To understand how Project Lombok works, one must first understand how Java compilation works. OpenJDK provides an excellent overview of the compilation process. To paraphrase, comp...

Blocking I/O vs. Non-Blocking I/O

Understanding I/O

1. Client Server Application Overview To make a connection, the client and the server both bind to a socket on their respective ends. The server waits listening to its socket for client to make ...

Wildcards In Bash

Understanding Wildcards Usage

一次性操作多个文件时,命令行提供通配符(wildcards),用一种很短的文本模式(通常只有一个字符),简洁地代表一组路径。 通配符又叫做 globbing patterns。因为 Unix 早期有一个/etc/glob文件保存通配符模板,后来 Bash 内置了这个功能,但是这个名字被保留了下来。 通配符早于正则表达式出现,可以看作是原始的正则表达式。它的功能没有正则那么强大灵活...



一、基础知识 Vim 的全局配置一般在/etc/vim/vimrc或者/etc/vimrc,对所有用户生效。用户个人的配置在~/.vimrc。 如果只对单次编辑启用某个配置项,可以在命令模式下,先输入一个冒号,再输入配置。举例来说,set number这个配置可以写在.vimrc里面,也可以在命令模式输入。 :set number 配置项一般都有"打开"和"关闭"两个设置。"关...

What is JVM, JRE and JDK?

Understanding the relationship between JVM, JRE and JDK

1. Relationship Overview 1.1 What is Java Web Start? Java Web Start software provides the power to launch full-featured applications with a single click. Users can download and launch application...



几个专用名词的译名如下。 Workspace:工作区 Index / Stage:暂存区 Repository:仓库区(或本地仓库) Remote:远程仓库 一、新建代码库 # 在当前目录新建一个Git代码库 $ git init # 新建一个目录,将其初始化为Git代码库 $ git init [project-name] # 下载一个项目和它的整个代码历史 ...

What is a Java Statement?

Understanding Java Statement

1. Defition of Java Statement Statements are similar to sentences in the English language. A sentence forms a complete idea which can include one or more clauses. Likewise, a statement in Java form...

Java Import Declaration

Understanding Java Import

1. What is Import Declaration? import declarations (not statements) are essentially short-hand enabler at the source code level: it allows you to refer to a type or a static member using a single i...