Mr.Humorous 🥘

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'❗️ 💪



一、简介 YAML的基本语法规则如下。 大小写敏感 使用缩进表示层级关系 缩进时不允许使用Tab键,只允许使用空格。 缩进的空格数目不重要,只要相同层级的元素左侧对齐即可 # 表示注释,从这个字符一直到行尾,都会被解析器忽略。 YAML 支持的数据结构有三种。 对象:键值对的集合,又称为映射(mapping)/ 哈希(hashes) / 字典(dictiona...

How Git Works?

Understanding Git

一、初始化 首先,让我们创建一个项目目录,并进入该目录。 $ mkdir git-demo-project $ cd git-demo-project 我们打算对该项目进行版本管理,第一件事就是使用git init命令,进行初始化。 $ git init git init命令只做一件事,就是在项目根目录下创建一个.git子目录,用来保存版本信息。 $ ls .git ...

Understanding the Bamboo CI Server

Bamboo CI Server Walk Through

1. What is Bamboo CI Server Bamboo is a CI server which can be used to automate the release management to create a CD pipeline. CI is a methodology in which a build, unit tests and integration tes...

Continuous Integration vs. Continuous Delivery vs. Continuous Deployment

Comparisons made between CI vs. CD vs.CD

1. What is Continuous Integration? Developers merge/rebase their changes to project’s main branch as often as possible. Their changes are validated by creating a build and then running a series of ...

What is Blobs and File Interface

Demonstrate Blobs and File Interface

1. What is a Blob? A blob object represents a chuck of bytes that holds data of a file, but it is not a reference to a actual file. It can be very large which can contain audio and video data. Also...

Explain Reactive Programming

What is Reactive Programming?

1. What is Reactive Programming? Reactive programming is a development model structured around asynchronous data streams. 2. Why do we need Asynchronous work? To make application more responsive a...

File System vs. Database

Pros, Cons and Use Cases Comparison

1. File System 1.1 Pros Performance can be better. If you store large files in db then it may slow down the performance because a Select * query to retrieve the filename will also load the file...

Code app using RxJava

RxJava Illustration

1. RxJava Operator Process Explanation 2. Create Observable Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Observable .just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) .filter(new Func1<Integer, Boolean>() { @Over...

5 Things to Know About Reactive Programming

Memorize the following 5 things

1. Reactive Programming Is Programming With Asynchronous Data Streams Events, messages, calls, and even failures are going to be conveyed by a data stream. You observe these streams and react when ...